Certain elements from my work at NOTAM and afterwards can easily be delimited and given a project label, and here is a list of projects that I have found particularly interesting. The list spans from editorial work with journals, books and software to development of tutorial initiatives, concerts and sound installations.
Rethinking the History of Technology-Based Music, June 9-11, 2022, in collaboration with Monty Adkins
Transcribing Nature, Realization in Munich, 2020.
The House in the Forest, 2018.
Kyma International Sound Symposium 2017, October 12-15, 2017, in collaboration with Anders Tveit and Ulf Holbrook.
Conference on Lutoslawski and Nordheim, produced in May, 2015 in collaboration with the Chopin Institute in Warsaw.
Eastern Waves, EU-project with pioneer works and electronic contemporary music from Norway, 2011-2013. CD productions with Arne Nordheim, Kåre Kolberg, Maja Ratkje and Helge Sten. Here is a link to the closing concert.
Composing with sounds, EU-project with software development, 2011-2013. Here are links to school workshops and the closing concert in Oslo Concert Hall.
Technology and Aesthetics, symposium May 2011.
Electronics meet the Challenges of the 21st Century, programming for symposium in Warsaw, September 2010. Here is the program, in four documents: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Soundscape i kunsten, symposium April 2010.
AV-dokumentasjonen Lydspor, produced for The Norwegian association against noise, April 2009.
Absorpsjon og resonans – lyd og mening, NOTAM’s sound art exhibition from 2008
Music Technology Days 2007
Integra Live, EU-project with software development, 2005-2011. Here is a link to the closing festival.
Electronic art in public space, conference 2002.
Organised Sound, 2002 – . Editorial work.
Artnet Norway, 1999 – 2002.
Portable just intonation – modernizing of Eivind Groven’s automat, 2001 –
DSP, NOTAM’s first software for children, CD-ROM for Windows-machines, 1997.
DSP02, NOTAM’s second software for children, with accompanying website.
Bryt Lydmuren, flere år med ansvar for arrangementet. Here is a video from 1995
Music in the Attic, school concert for the Norwegian Concert Institute.
Who-how-woh, Internet concert between Warsaw, Helsinki, Oslo, 1998.
Norge – et lydrike, Norway Remixed, sound installation at Oslo Sentralbanestasjon 2002.