   Music- and sound examples
   Educational resources
Pure tuning
Eivind Groven's project
   Technical solution
The modernisation project
   The tuning automat
   Portable pure tuning
Web resources, literature

The modernization project

In 2001, the Norwegian Council of Culture awarded a grant for modernizing Groven's automat for pure tuning. The old automat has now been replaced by a computer with software written by David Loberg Code, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA. The automat has been connected to the old pipe organ, and the analogue electronic technology has been replaced by digital technology. The keyboard has also been changed. The project has been executed by Henrik Sundt at NOTAM (Norwegian network for Technology, Acoustics and Music). In its 50th year, the old pipe organ has thus received its third "brain" in keeping with technological developments -relay technology, analogue electronic technology, and now computer technology.

in 2004, the Norwegian Council of Culture awarded a grant to the Groven Institute to develop a portable pure tuning system for download, and NOTAM has again been responsible for crafting the solution. Pure tuning is now an accessible resource for everyone with a computer and an electronic keyboard with MIDI. Composers and musicians may now use this system, making pure tuning more well-known.

Eivind Groven never thought of his pure tuning-project as completed, but left several possibilities open, and constantly considered possible further development. Bjørn Raad, who built the analogue electronic automat and experienced Groven's enthusiasm for technological innovation, has the following comment to the modernization that has recently taken place: "This had really been something for Groven, to be able to experiment without restrictions with new solutions and iomprovements in a simpler way than before."

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In collaboration with Eivind Grovens Institutt for renstemming