Norwegian sound archive conference

The Norwegian Sound archive conference 2022 will take place in the Deichman library in Oslo on April 25. og 26., and I have a presentation on the 26th. The presentation builds on my book “Electric Sound in Norway” from 2019, as well as more recent research from Arts Council Norway’s framework “Creative Practices in Music” (2021-22), to be presented later this year.

Here is the program

Computer music and post-acousmatic practices

Ulf Holbrook and I have had a short article Computer music and post-acousmatic practices accepted for the program of ICMC in Limerick this year. The conference takes place 3.-9. July, and the web pages can be found here.

Two texts and a book review

I contributed to last year’s Electronic Music Network conference with the article Soundscapes for experiencing architecture in virtual reality – elements and considerations from the project The forest in the house, and to the latest issue of Organised Sound with a review of the book Sound arts now, edited by Cathy Lane and Angus Carlyle. The issue also contained a review of Miller Puckette’s and Kerry Hagan’s book Between the Tracks where I have a chapter.

Electronic Art in Norway, Vol. 1

On Nov. 13, Volume 1 of Electronic Art in Norway will be launched in Trondheim, at Litteraturhuset. The book is the first of two, and consists mainly of approx. 100 artist/work pages, where the artists themselves have contributed presentation material. The book has been edited by Zane Cerpina, Ståle Stenslie and Jøran Rudi, and is pushed by Teks Publishing.