Tour with Parallax and Anders Tveit

From the 14th to the 26th of November 2017 I was on your with Parallax and Anders Tveit in the US and Canada, where they performed a version of Notam’s commission A Parallax View while I lectured on the electroacoustic development of music in Norwegian Music. We visited New York, Princeton, Cincinnati, Oberlin, Kalamazoo and Montreal, and it was a successful tour with interested audiences and excellent performances.

Two texts on Knut Wiggen’s technical and musical work

I have just sent off a chapter to an upcoming book on music analysis, edited by Kerry Hagan and Miller Puckette. My chapter has a working title “The Musical Imagination of Knut Wiggen”. This follows a submission sent to Organised Sound approximately a month ago, titled “Unpacking the Musical and Technological Innovation of Knut Wiggen.” The texts are discussing different aspects of Wiggen’s work, and it has been a challenge to write short enough!

Lecture about computer music pioneer Knut Wiggen at Ringve Music Museum

Ringve Music Museum arranges two events about Knut Wiggen on January 28 and 29, 2017. Knut Wiggen is an international pioneer of computer music from Norway, and my lecture on saturday discusses his contributions to the technological development, all in historical context. Particular attention will be given to his software MusicBox that was the first music program with a graphical interface. The concert on sunday is filled with some of his early works for piano, his electroacoustic pieces, and music from Orkdal high school workshop where the students have composed with NOTAMs program DSP with their own sounds and elements taken out from Wiggen’s works.

More info on the events can be found here.

Ringve musikkmuseum arrangerer 28. og 29. januar 2017 to begivenheter om Knut Wiggen, som er en av computermusikkens pionerer i verden. Mitt foredrag på lørdag plasserer hans arbeid med teknologiutviklingen i kontekst med hva som ellers foregikk i verden i hans samtid, og jeg diskuterer sammenhengen i hans arbeid, som er temmelig enestående.