Nå er dette bokprosjektet i havn, og «Elektrisk lyd i Norge» beskriver utviklingen av musikkteknologi og den teknologiavhengige musikken i Norge fra den spede begynnelsen på 30-tallet og frem til 2005, delt inn i fire hoveddeler: Elektrisitet og radio, Med limbånd og saks, Tastatur og mus, og Kontroll og deltakelse. Boken belyser hvordan den teknologibaserte musikken passer inn i større kulturelle og sosiale endringsprosesser. God lesing!
Den 18. oktober 2018 ble LPen Knut Wiggen – Electronic Works 1972-1975 sluppet hos NOTAM. LPen utgis på O. Gudmundsens Minde og inneholder stykkene Sommarmorgon, Rest, Etyd, Massa og EMS för sig själv, som her for første gang utgis i stereo. LPen er mastret av Cato Langnes, og omslagsteksten har jeg skrevet. Bak plateselskapet O. Gudmundsens Minde står Lars Mørch Finborud og Lasse Marhaug.
Den 25. oktober 2018 arrangerer Nasjonalbiblioteket seminaret «https://www.nb.no/hva-skjer/notated-music-in-the-digital-sphere/», og mitt bidrag heter «Preserving digitally inscribed music.»
Her er sammendraget:
Musical notation is a prescriptive tool that is at least 4000 years old, aiming for preservation of both musical ideas and performance practices. The notation system for instruments and voice that we use today is hundreds of years old, and has over time been developed into the complex instruction sets that one can find in contemporary score, where new musical expressions are pursued by unusual excitation methods and increasingly detailed performance control.
This notation system has also found its way into the digital domain, and much research effort has been made in developing methods for migrating paper-based scores into machine-readable documents. However, digitally inscribed music often relies on more than pitch, duration, pulse and rhythm, and much of the modern electronic expressions cannot be captured or reproduced using conventional notation.
This presentation will discuss the urgency of preserving the heritage of digital music, present early projects and practices in this area, and provide recommendations for future efforts in securing an updated and more complete record of musical history in formats that also facilitate performability.
As a preliminary closure for my work on Knut Wiggen, I have made a now home page for him that explains his contributions, with a bibliography for those who would like to know more.