Digital Dynamics 2

Sent off today first draft of my chapter for this book, and hope that it will fit the editor’s intentions with the publication. My chapter is titled Representation, complexity and control – three aspects of technology-based sonic art, and describes features of digital technology that has brought something qualitatively new into sonic art practices.

Electric Sound in Norway

I have for some time been writing on a book about development and use of music technology in Norway. The includes the development from around 1930 and (almost) up until today. First draft was sent to a publisher in the middle of June, with hopes that the working title Electric Sound in Norway will wake their interest.

Digital Dynamics

Just sent off an abstract for a book chapter that will appear in an upcoming publication:Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art. The book will be edited by Tanya Toft, and will consist of a number of chapters that will discuss different sectors and their development, all departing from 100+ artist statements. My contribution will be a description of the development in nordic music and other audio arts in the period 1980-2015.

UCSD, San Diego

This is where I'll be staying

This is where I’ll be staying

In January and February I am due for a short sabbatical, and will take the opportunity to visit at UCSD. In the next two months I will be continuing work on a book about Music Technology in Norway, and start new work for a larger Danish project about the Nordic Avant-garde, plus start another book chapter.


Having constructed my own webpages since 1994, I decided to finally migrate the static pages to a CMS. This will make updating and maintenance easier, and more importantly facilitate more frequent updates on my research- and other projects.

I owe great thanks to Thomas Johannessen for coding og tweaking of the design!