
Sound and Video

Mikservindu fra Og fuglene...?

DSP contains a complete piece of music which is called "And the Birds...?". Above, you can see what the mix-file looks like, and on the CD-ROM you can play the piece by clicking on the image. Below there are links to the whole piece, in .wav, .aiff and .mpeg formats. Click on one of the links to to download the file to your computer so you can listen to it.

The CD-ROM also contains a computer animation of a journey through the music. Click here to see the video. To see the video and hear all the sound examples on the DSP pages, you need Real Audio Player. To download information you can click here.

The top picture on this page is from the demo, which explains how all the sounds in the music have been constructed, such as this air-raid siren, this laser sound or this drizzling sound, which was made using the algorithms-program.

As you can hear, the piece contains several recordings of wing sounds from birds, and those are available in the sound archives for download and use in your own computer. Click on the links to hear.

All of the sounds on this page may be downloaded from the page called "Interesting Sounds."


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